Inspiring New Ideas for Connecting Children to Nature Series

Inspiring New Ideas for Connecting Children to Nature Series

Session One: Risky Play Benefits and Using Tools
Discussing the premise and benefits behind risky play and how to safely incorporate it into your classroom and/or outdoor space. We will go beyond “climbing things” and discuss how to encourage students to find their potential and how to individualize risky play to each of your students.

Session Two: Setting Up Your Outdoor Play Space and Bringing Nature Inside
Appropriate ways to set up your outdoor space without hindering the students’ learning or exploration. When we create a space that is too manipulated by an adult, it actually discourages creative and exploratory play.

Session Three: Macro-Modelling – Using the Children’s Interests to Build Games and Activities Outdoors
Macro-modelling is a concept created by outdoor educators to incorporate learning into daily play. This doesn’t hinder passion-driven and interest-based learning but rather enhances it and provides a deeper learning experience.

Whether in person or via webinar, our sessions can be delivered for your staff team or your community.

Contact the ECCDC at 905-646-7311 or for more information about our Customized Training services.