Natural and Found Loose Parts for All Ages

What are loose parts? How do they support learning in our centres? Why is it important to implement loose parts into our curriculum? When can we introduce loose parts? Who can benefit from loose parts? Participants will have an opportunity to consider the who, what, where, when and why of loose parts while considering what implementing loose parts into the curriculum looks like at different ages. Natural and found loose parts can be incorporated into the curriculum on a daily basis supporting children’s exploration and imagination. Consider how we communicate to our families and colleagues the importance of loose parts. We will reflect on how loose parts support the Four Foundations of How Does Learning Happen and how we can utilize their properties to enhance children’s developmental skills. A resource listing will be provided to participants of loose parts they can collect for their program as well as kits and resources available for loan or purchase from ECCDC.

Whether in person or via webinar, our sessions can be delivered for your staff team or your community!

Contact the ECCDC at 905-646-7311 or for more information about our Customized Training services.